Fighting for our schools

Starts With

Fighting for students, teachers, and families in HUSD.

As an experienced teacher and nonprofit administrator, no one is more qualified to help guide our schools into the future..

More than a Candidate;
A Community Leader

A proud Gilbert resident and HUSD parent since 2016, Kathleen is an active HUSD volunteer and local substitute teacher. Additionally, she has participated in various district surveys, focus groups, and most recently a Citizens Committee focused on assessing district needs and the possibility of placing a bond & override on the district ballot in November 2024. As she has watched HUSD grow, she has been an active participant in board meetings as a concerned citizen and has engaged with administration regarding concerns and successes both at a school and district level. It has become clear in her time in the district that there is a very vocal minority attempting to undermine public education from the inside out. After careful consideration, and urging from community members, Kathleen is running for HUSD Governing Board in 2024. If elected, she looks forward to the opportunity to continue moving HUSD forward in the best ways possible, and ensuring the highest quality education available in the East Valley.

Get Involved

Protecting education requires more than a campaign.
It takes a community.